so last night i decided to use up the last of my slide film in my diana, and stick with the lomo 10 prophecies theme. i have done all kins of double and long exsposures for this theme so i decided to do some pinhole shots.
so i popped off the lens, set the aputure to pinhole and set the shutter release to bulb mode :)
i also set my plastic beauty on top of a bendy tri-pod and slot on the cabel release collar, to keep the shot still.
i also learnt alittle lighting technique from mijonju by using a normal lamp and hold the light in diffrent possitions for about 30 seconds to a minute to delete any shadows during the exsposure time.
so all that is left to do is to press the cabel release in its lock postion, and exspose for about two minutes with some new learnt lighting skills.
so now ine got to take the film to the lab to Xpro my slides and see what intresting effects we get :) i will post as soon as possible.
ryuhei hotoke